We designed this series to help new believers as they begin their walk with the Lord. It’s our prayer that these videos are a help to you as you get started. We recommend that you watch one video each day and do the Bible reading plan along with it. Some of the videos you might want to watch more than once to let the material sink in. This is just the beginning of your walk. Keep growing every day by getting into the Word of God, spend time with Him in prayer and listen to solid Bible teaching and preaching.

If you have questions or need help you can reach us through our contact page.


Session 1 | Welcome to the family of God

Welcome to the family of God! When you asked Jesus to come into your life… you were born again. That means the life of God has come into your spirit and has made you able to connect with God again. When you were born again you became part of a new family and that is the family of God.

Session 2 | What Jesus did for us

Now because of what Jesus did for you, everything that was wrong is made right again. You have assurance that when you die you’ll be with God. There is a real heaven and a real hell. Thank God you know where you’ll be. If that was all Jesus did for us that would be good enough but He didn’t stop there.

session 3 | Who You are in christ

Society today is generally confused about a lot of things. They can’t tell right from wrong or up from down. The reason is simply that without God the Bible says they are in the dark. Most people are trying to find themselves. But you can know who you are. We know who we are because of what the Bible says about us.

session 4 | The Word of god

It is so important as you begin this journey that you are immersing yourself in the Word. This Word is like food for you. Some people only get into the Word when they go to church on Sundays. If you only eat natural food once a week you’ll be starving. Don’t starve yourself from the Word.

session 5 | developing your faith

You turned on the lights and electricity that you can’t see runs inside your walls. You can’t see it but you have faith it works. you don’t have to see it, That’s how it is with the things of the Spirit. You don’t need to see it. It doesn’t matter what things look like. That’s got nothing to do with anything for us. We walk by faith.

session 6 | prayer: your connection to god

Some people think, God always gets His way. But Jesus told us to pray that His will would be done. That means it’s possible that sometimes God’s will isn’t done. That’s obvious when you look at the world or your own life. I want God’s will done in my life so I need to give Him permission to do His will in me. Your prayer is more important than most people realize.

session 7 | healing is for you

When Jesus died He took not only our sin but our sickness. Some people wonder if it is God’s will to heal. Understand the decision has already been made. He’s already paid the price.

session 8 | baptism

Jesus told us to be baptized. You’ve probably seen it before but I want to explain what it’s all about. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in Luke 3:21. He did this as an example for us.  Because baptism is a symbol of what Jesus did for us.

session 9 | baptism in the holy spirit

Some people are like the men the Apostle Paul met in Acts 19. He asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit, they said, we didn’t even know there was a Holy Spirit. But He’s here to help you. When you were saved, the Holy Spirit came to live in you. But there is another experience that Paul was talking about called the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.